Resetting the US - EU defense relationship : how war in Ukraine is affecting the transatlantic bond

Master Thesis
Bouliakoudi, Maria
Μπουλιακούδη, Μαρία
Asderaki, FoteiniΑσδεράκη, Φωτεινή
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
War ; Ukraine ; Russia ; US ; EU ; Transatlantic ; Defense ; NeorealismΠερίληψη
The Russian invasion of Ukraine brought the harsh reality of a hot war back to the
European continent. This event produced unexpected levels of balancing behavior of
the US and the EU, vindicating the neorealist theory of acts of balancing in response to
threats. Against the imminent and real threat of the Russian aggression, the EU once
again yielded to the NATO alliance, abandoning any level of autonomy in its defense
domain. The Biden administration, tied to Ukraine policy, would not let a newly assertive
Russia challenge US’s influence in Europe. However, while the second year of the war
is coming to an end, signs of war fatigue and political division in the US are making the
ending of the Russian war in Ukraine, at least in favor of the West, seem like an almost
impossible task.