Η αξιοποίηση των τεχνολογιών Internet of Things για τη μετάβαση στις «Έξυπνες Πόλεις»
Transition towards smart cities utilizing Internet of Things technologies
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Έξυπνη πόλη ; Διαδίκτυο των Πραγμάτων (IoT) ; Τεχνολογία ; Αστικοποίηση ; Στόχοι βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης ; Έρευνα ; Ερωτηματολόγιο ; ΔεδομέναAbstract
The scientific community, discerning the danger of impacts caused by urbanization, created with the aid of technology a new and “intelligent” city model. This model, called Smart City, is able to confront the aforementioned unfavorable impacts and provides the well-being to its citizens, defending the term of sustainability. There are several prerequisites that need to be satisfied for a city to be qualified as “smart”. These prerequisites are distinguished by Giffinger’s 6 dimensions. Nevertheless, the analysis is not yet done, there are three generations that separate Smart Cities depending on their technological status. Being on the edge of the 4th industrial revolution the creation of 4th generation Smart Cities is implied.
As the 4th generation of Smart Cities is being established, the Internet of Things is constantly expanding itself. It is a system of interdependent and interconnected devices that communicate via the internet. The core assets composing such a device which goal is to apply the IoT Technology, are designed following a predefined architecture called Architecture of IoT. As every case has its own challenges, and the needs may differ, this architecture is not unique. The fact though, that the IoT is able to offer solutions to all aspects of society is the exact reason that makes it remarkable. In spite of the positive gains from the usage of IoT for human beings, society and environment, there are also some underlying liabilities. Due to its not easily manageable technological advancement and its multidimensional field of application, challenges appear on the road mainly regarding the security of users and its personal data.
After the completion of the current thesis’s theoretical base, research took place. Main goal of this research was to comprehend at what level, the cities that apply the advanced technologies of the IoT, benefit towards the transition to the new model of Smart Cities and how the next - door citizens have familiarized themselves with these modern terms (Smart City and IoT) and the transition whatsoever. For the sake of the research a questionnaire was created from scratch consisting of 31 questions, implemented in Google Forms. The questionnaire was delivered during the summer months of 2022 to a large group of people from all social statuses. 210 questionnaires were answered in total. Conclusions derived from the study were analyzed and presented in detail in chapter 4, however the key takeaway that emerged from the analysis and worth’s mentioning is that the vast majority of the sample was educated and young people that based on their answers it seems that they understand the positive extensions that could be brought by “Smart Cities” and “IoT” and they are positive transitioning into this new city model. In contrast with Cities and Municipalities in general that seem to be inadequate to fulfill the needs of their citizens. Thus, the spark for future research and study lies below these inadequacies and finding a way to overcome this technological gap.