Εξέλιξη & εφαρμογή συστημάτων ενδοεπιχειρησιακού σχεδιασμού σε μοντέρνες επιχειρήσεις
Enterprise resource planning development & applications to modern businesses

Master Thesis
Tsakos, Charalampos
Τσάκος, Χαράλαμπος
Emiris, DimitriosΕμίρης, Δημήτριος
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As societies confront challenges they face daily, companies similarly encounter new demands. The rapid evolution of markets and technology, introduces new factors into the business world. For a company to remain profitable and competitive, it is essential to have all the necessary technological tools to save time and reduce costs in its various production processes. The implementation of these processes is achieved using systems that contribute to their automation. The systems discussed in this dissertation play a significant role in the operations of large organizations as they enhance their competitive advantage. In today's era, we have the ability to find numerous ERPs that improve company efficiency.
The system to be discussed below is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). This system, as will be detailed later, integrates internal and external management information by combining accounting, sales, supply chain, internal customer relationship parameterization, and various services. Essentially, an ERP system is the automation of corporate processes aiming to save time and cost, as mentioned above.
In the initial stage of this dissertation, we will understand exactly what ERP systems are, with a comprehensive historical review of their origins, leading up to the latest information systems and their challenges. Next, we will dive in the leading ERP companies on a global and local scale. We will delve into the technological background of ERP systems, which includes their integration with other systems like CRM and SCM, the different methods of handling and installation (on-premise, cloud, mobile), and among other things, the user interface (UI). Based on the above, the challenges regarding their assimilation by company executives and the difficulties the workforce faces in managing them will be presented. Additionally, some case studies of companies that have utilized ERP and have managed to remain strong market players will be discussed.
Furthermore, this dissertation, through its comprehensive scientific approach, offers a holistic understanding of ERP systems and their critical contribution to the modern business world.