'Εμφυλη ανισότητα στη διοίκηση εκπαιδευτικών μονάδων στη δημόσια πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση
Gender inequality in the management of educational units in public primary education

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Φύλο ; Έμφυλη ανισότητα ; Διοίκηση ; Πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευσηAbstract
A large number of women teach to Primary and Secondary education. As many studies reveal, at least in Primary Education , the female gender outnumbers the male gender, but the male gender is the one who mainly assumes the administration of schools.
This paradox has been the subject of many studies. Our thesis is a bibliographic review of the development of gender inequality in the management of greek public Primary Schools during the last decades, focusing particularly to the current state. Initially, we refer to the nature of gender and the theories that illustrate gender's differences. Subsequently, we notice that gender inequality existed in the past and still exists today, but certainly to a lesser degree. Also, we study it in the context of family, education and work. Moreover, we refer to the management, administration and the contents related to the management of educational units. In the final stage of our thesis, we draw our conclusions as gender's female inequality is a combination of various factors. Finally, we make suggestions to a gender balance in the management of educational units in greek public Primary Schools.