Ψηφιακός συνταγματισμός : αναδιαμορφώνοντας το συνταγματικό πλαίσιο στην ψηφιακή εποχή

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Ψηφιακός συνταγματισμός ; Σύνταγμα ; Ψηφιακή εποχή ; Θεμελιώδη δικαιώματα ; Δεδομένα προσωπικού χαρακτήρα ; Ελευθερία του λόγου και της πληροφόρησηςAbstract
This master’s thesis deals with the role of digital constitutionalism in the reshaping of the constitutional framework of the digital environment. To begin with, the thesis deals with the definition and the missions of digital constitutionalism (Chapter 1 & Chapter 2). It analyses the two sides of digital constitutionalism, namely its external point of view, manifested in the texts of initiatives for fundamental rights online (Chapter 3), and its internal point of view, i.e. the reaction to the emergence of uncontrolled powers in the digital society based on the constitutional tradition of each legal system (Chapter 4). Afterwards, this paper describes the reaction of digital constitutionalism -external and internal- to the two major legal challenges of the digital revolution, namely the constitutional reaction of the online freedom of expression (Chapter 5) and the protection of personal data (Chapter 6). These two fundamental rights were chosen because they affect each other in a bidirectional manner. The study concerns mainly the European framework of reaction -with reference also to the Greek legal system-, compared where applicable to the American constitutional tradition. Finally, this thesis presents its Conclusion (Chapter 7) and the Bibliography (Chapter 8).