Επίδραση των άτυπων ομάδων στις ιεραρχικά δομημένες οργανώσεις - Η περίπτωση των πλοίων του ΕΝ
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Οργάνωση ; Άτυπες ομάδες ; Ιεραρχική δομή ; ΠλοίαAbstract
Ships, as Hierarchically Structured Organisations, are characterised by strict and often rigid structures and relationships between management and employees. Hierarchical organisations have specific characteristics and constitute an extremely special and demanding environment for employees. Seafarers, like other workers, form formal groups according to the organisation chart and informal groups that cannot be planned and predicted in advance. Particularly in ships, due to the nature of the profession, which is characterised by frequent turnover of employees and therefore of participants in informal groups, it is of great interest to study the reasons for their formation, the way they operate, the feelings of the members, their influence on the behaviour of the crews and, above all, whether their existence ultimately leaves a positive or negative impact on the ship as an 'organisation'. In order to establish the above, a research procedure was carried out through a questionnaire, where the views of the seafarers themselves, regarding the informal groups, were recorded. From the theory developed and the research findings, several coincidences and substantial differences were found that verify both the usefulness and importance of the existence of informal groups, as well as the peculiarities they present when they are formed in a closed and hierarchically structured organization, such as the ship.