Ακτοπλοϊκή σύνδεση Ρεθύμνου – Πειραιά Μελέτη σκοπιμότητας - βιωσιμότητας

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Ρέθυμνο ; Πειραιάς ; Μελέτη ; Βιωσιμότητα ; Ακτοπλοΐα ; Rethymno ; Piraeus ; Study ; Feasibility ; Coastal shippingAbstract
The purpose of this Master Thesis is to study the feasibility and the viability of launching of a passenger-car ferry (Ro/Pax) for the purpose of the ferry connection between the ports of Rethymno and Piraeus as, until the time of writing, there is no direct ferry connection between the two ports. The aim is to examine whether is efficient or not and under what conditions.
The first chapter gives a general description of passenger shipping in Greece, how it is distinguished and what are its qualitative characteristics.
Then in the second chapter there is a review of legislation governing passenger shipping, and then on the third chapter a geographical description of the island of Crete is made.
In the fourth chapter we will analyze the economy of Crete and specifically its two main pillars, tourism and agriculture-livestock which, as we will see, contribute significantly to the feasibility or not of the present study.
The fifth chapter gives an extensive historical overview of coastal shipping and the ships that were launched at the Rethymno - Piraeus route, following by the description of the port of Rethymno and how much it affects the economic and cultural activity of the city. Also, in fifth chapter we provide the recent years’ statistics of the passengers traveled.
In the sixth chapter follows a questionnaire which was compiled in order to determine the preferences of citizens of Rethymno in the field of ferry travel but also to record their travel habits which are of major importance for the selection of the ship under study.
The feasibility and viability study will be analyzed in the seventh chapter, in which the assumptions for the study and the limitations of the port of Rethymno will be presented. Through them the characteristics of the ship that will be able to serve the port will be determined, in order to arrive at the economic analysis where the scenario of buying a second-hand ship and the scenario of buying a new ship will be examined in order to choose the most advantageous option. In closing, the eighth chapter sets out the conclusions.