Σχεδιασμός και διαχείριση δικτύων αισθητήρων και έξυπνων εφαρμογών ΙοΤ
Design and management of IoT / sensor networks & application

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IoT ; 5G ; LoRa ; NB-IoT ; Smart sensors ; Smart cities ; ToolAbstract
The aim of this thesis, as the title says, is the design and management of water sensor networks and smart IoT applications. Despite the technological development, both at the Hardware and Software level, traditional networks and their mode of operation, as it has evolved to date, are likely to be unable to cope with the ever-increasing number of devices connected to the internet. This fact has turned the interest of the scientific community towards the optimization of existing communication protocols or the design of new models that will be able to support the interoperability of Internet of Things devices.
The following pages will analyze the term Internet of Things, its architecture, the key technologies used to support it. Then there is a reference to problems that can arise, but also the problems that IoT can help and solve. Having now reached such a good technological level, the IoT can deliver what it was estimated to deliver. Now the words smart device, smart application and on a larger scale smart city, have entered our lives. Through the many different possibilities and categories, the study, design and processing of water management sensor systems was chosen for this work.
Finally, after collecting data from already existing algorithms, an algorithm was developed to find the best and most advantageous placement and selection of technology and devices, to create a smart IoT water sensor network and a supporting management tool.