Θνησιμότητα : ο ρόλος της ασφάλισης υγείας στην Ευρώπη
Mortality : the role of health insurance in Europe
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Θνησιμότητα ; Ασφάλιση υγείας ; Ευρωπαϊκά συστήματα υγείας ; Έρευνα SHAREAbstract
This thesis attempts to investigate factors that influence and diversify mortality levels in Europe in 2017. It also examines the role private or public health insurance plays in shaping mortality levels. The first chapter analyzes the concept of mortality and morbidity, examines the main causes of death as well as some of the main risk factors. In the second chapter, the European health insurance systems are presented in detail, various pressure factors on these systems are examined, while at the end, the role of private health insurance throughout Europe is analyzed. In the following chapters, panel data from the 5th wave of the SHARE survey (Survey of Health Aging and Retirement in Europe) are considered and their effect on mortality observed by the 7th wave, through the SPSS statistical program, which is used in order to perform a statistical analysis of the data and extract useful conclusions. More specifically, the factors which are examined concern demographic, socio-economic variables as well as variables related to physical health and health insurance systems. In the 3rd chapter, the variables included in the database are briefly described, while a first approach to their descriptive analysis is carried out through univariate analysis. In chapter 4 we perform bivariate analysis using descriptive statistical methods such as correlation measures, histograms and independence tests to examine the association of various variables with the observed mortality. Subsequently, in chapter 5 logistic regression models are developed in order to assess the influence of demographic, socio-economic, physical health and private health insurance variables on mortality. Summarizing, the 6th and last chapter presents the main conclusions extracted through data analysis. It is worth mentioning that the effect of demographic and socioeconomic factors as well as of physical health on mortality was confirmed. In addition, factors regarding physical health appear to be more important than socioeconomic factors. Finally, it is particularly important to note that private health insurance plays a crucial role in reducing the probability of dying.