Η ήπια ισχύς (soft power) της ΕΕ : περιπτωσιολογική μελέτη της Συνέργειας του Εύξεινου Πόντου (Black Sea Synergy). Εξωτερική πολιτική «καρότου και μαστίγιου»

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Ήπια ισχύς ; ΕΕ ; Εξωτερική πολιτική ; Συνεργεία του Εύξεινου Πόντου ; «Καρότο και μαστίγιο»Abstract
In the domain of foreign policy, EU soft power finds its direct application in the European
Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). This thesis is about to examine the Black Sea Synergy as a case
study. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that EU’s stick and carrot approach leads to
attraction and persuasion (two forms of soft power). In this way, countries participating in the
Black Sea Synergy are persuaded to cooperate with the EU in order to sustain peace, stability
and continuous growth in the region surrounding the Black Sea. The study is consisted of 3
chapters. In the first chapter, there will be a detailed analysis of three foreign policies that in the
past served as “precursors” of the Black Sea Synergy i.e., Turkey’s pre-accession process and
Russia’s Strategic Partnership with the EU. Eastern Partnership (EaP) complements Black Sea
Synergy. The second chapter, which is the core of this study, is based on the main fields of
cooperation in the region of the Black Sea and the progress that has been made up to now. In
the third and the last chapter the results of this analysis will be presented, as well as suggestion
for further research.