Δημόσια και ιδιωτική δαπάνη στην ανώτερη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση : μια συγκριτική μελέτη
Public and private spending on high school education : a comparative study
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Εκπαίδευση ; Ιδιωτική δαπάνη, ; Δημόσια δαπάνη ; Σχολεία ; ΦροντιστήριαAbstract
Education in Greece is free, so no tuition is paid by the students. The constitution of the country incorporates that all Greek citizens (and some
foreigners living and working in the country) are entitled to free education. The ultimate goal
of the elaboration of this work, is to collect, analyze and discuss the bibliographies
sources and data on the issue of public and private expenditure in High School Education,
making a basic comparison of these costs. For the purpose of this study as well,
reported the use of a research questionnaire to parents and who have children who
are studying or have completed the 3rd year of high school.
We also see that in terms of tuition costs it is increased
in the case of private school children versus public school children.
In the case of foreign language tuition the cost for private school children
is almost the same as that of the children of the Public school so the existence is not apparent
statistical significance.
In the case of private lessons the cost for the children of the private school
is increased in the case of private school children versus his children
Public school. We also see that there is a statistically significant difference between the
spending on tutoring for private school children versus their own children
Public school. So we come to the conclusion that our 2nd research is confirmed
Finally, we look at the needs of children such as stationery, educational
excursions, projects is increased in the case of private school children versus
public school children as well as that there is a statistically significant difference between
expense for various school needs of a private school child versus his children
Public school.