"Ατζέντα 2030" Στόχος 5 για τη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη : ισότητα των φύλων

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Ατζέντα 2030 ; Στόχος 5 για τη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη ; Ισότητα των φύλων ; Χειραφέτηση γυναικών και κοριτσιώνAbstract
Gender equality and the emancipation of girls and women is a constant demand of society worldwide. Several steps forward have been made over the years, however the desired result has not yet been achieved in several areas. At the same time, there are inequalities in the degree to which equality is achieved between states, with some states –mainly in the West– having achieved a higher degree of equality in contrast to other states, such as the African states. Yet, there is nowhere complete equality and emancipation of women and girls.
This issue of equality is considered necessary for the prosperity, progress and development of society as a whole and its non-solution creates several problems worldwide. In this context of the need to find a meaningful and definitive solution, the UN with the Agenda 2030 and the 17 Goals for Sustainable Development, sets equality as a separate goal. More specifically, the Goal that refers to gender equality is Goal 5. Therefore, it is evident through the special place that equality has among the 17 Goals, its importance and value for society to achieve Sustainable Development.
Through Goal 5, the UN, by setting specific Targets, covering the whole spectrum of public and private life, hopes that by 2030 it will be able to achieve gender equality in all lengths and breadths of the earth, despite the differences between them.
The main purpose of this thesis is to present in detail Goal 5 of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, demonstrating its importance and the role it plays in relation to gender equality around the world, making a historical review of theories and the current institutional framework on which Goal 5 was based, as well as a review of the progress made so far to improve the situation and eliminate social inequalities, stereotypes and prejudices. At the same time, reference will be made to organizations and entities at global, european and national level that work to support this goal and whether and to what extent education and education systems in general can contribute, but mainly the information and raising public awareness on such issues in problem solving.