Ο κλάδος της φαρμακοβιομηχανίας στην Ελλάδα και η επίδραση της πανδημίας COVID-19
The pharmaceutical industry in Greece and the impact of the pandemic COVID-19

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Φαρμακευτικός κλάδος ; Ελληνική φαρμακοβιομηχανία ; Έρευνα κι ανάπτυξη ; Καινοτομία ; Rebates & clawbacks ; COVID-19Abstract
The subject of this diploma thesis is the research and analysis of the pharmaceutical industry in Greece. The characteristics of the sector at a domestic level, the policies pursued through each institutional framework, the problems that arise through their exercise as well as the prospects for their solution are analyzed.
The Pharmaceutical Market is one of the few sectors of the Greek Industry that presents a course with a positive sign. Despite the difficulties it faces from the exercise of policies of each state and regulatory authorities of the States, it seems that it manages to survive by dealing flexibly with the continuous changes of the internal and external environment.
Reference is made to the dynamics of the sector internationally, presenting the strongest pharmaceutical companies on a global level, regarding their capitalization for the year 2020. It is then investigated how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the economy both domestically and internationally, focusing on the drug industry, referring to the new data that have arisen.
The second part of the dissertation consists of the field research we conducted using a questionnaire. This research aimed to highlight and prioritize the challenges faced by the Greek pharmaceutical industries, the factors that affect pharmaceutical expenditure and whether the Covid-19 pandemic has had a positive or negative impact on the pharmaceutical industry. A sample of the survey was employees of a large multinational pharmaceutical company and in particular executives active in the field of marketing, sales and the medical department.