Blue economy, a framework for sustainable development

Master Thesis
Μακρή, Αργυρώ
Makri, Argyro
2022-06View/ Open
Blue economy ; Sustainability ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Marine resources ; OceansAbstract
This dissertation is a study of the potentials of the Blue Economy and how they could be harnessed for achieving sustainable development. The report provides a critical bibliographic review, and the methodology followed in the dissertation is based on research of International Organizations, scientists’ official references, and the published legislative framework.
Traditionally, the ocean economy is viewed solely as a mechanism for economic development. Under this approach, the ocean economy has developed by exploiting marine and maritime resources, often without considering how these activities affect the future health or productivity of the same resources. There is a need for sustainable exploitation of ocean resources and the protection of marine biodiversity. The rising importance of ocean-based resources has resulted in the emergence of the term Blue Economy. Blue Economy is an evolving concept that calls for better stewardship of our oceanic resources. It includes a range of economic sectors and related policies that together determine whether the use of marine resources is sustainable. Many policies have been ratified to see how the blue economy could be harnessed sustainably since oceans that cover over two-thirds of the earth’s surface significantly contribute to poverty abolition in generating sustainable livelihoods.
The study begins with a brief explanation of the reasons oceans are important for humankind and life on earth. The economic attribute of the oceans is presented as well as the challenges they face. Furthermore, it analyzes the relevant international legal and institutional frameworks for ocean governance regimes.
Following, the historical background of the blue economy is presented. Also, the evolution of the blue economy is examined by discussing other related concepts such as the green economy, maritime and ocean economy, and blue growth as it is useful to differentiate them from each other and from the term blue economy.
The blue economy concept is analyzed then by providing a literature review focused on it. The diverse definitions of the concept are also explored and critically reviewed. Moreover, it has been elaborated, how the Blue Economy concept may fit into the sustainability framework while balancing its economic, social, and environmental pillars. In that context, the links between the Blue Economy, the Sustainable Development Goals and sustainability are examined. At the same time, the 14th SDG, which concerns life in the water, is highlighted and analyzed further.
The research then analyzes in more depth the blue economy sectors, which are the key drivers, and future trends. The Blue Economy faces challenges in the forms of resource over-exploitation, pollution, habitat degradation and climate change, and prevailing measures to address them, are discussed. Finally, the methods to incorporate low Carbon and innovative technologies, resource efficiency, environmental protection and conservation and social inclusion, in the concept of a blue economy, were suggested.