Ο ρόλος της διοίκηση των εκπαιδευτικών μονάδων στην αντιμετώπιση ρατσιστικών φαινομένων στα σχολεία
The role of administration of educational units in treatment of racist phenomenon in schools
Master Thesis
Κατσαρός, Ανδρέας
2022-06View/ Open
Σχολικός ρατσισμός ; Διακρίσεις ; Εκπαιδευτικοί ; Διευθυντής ; Ρόλος ; Απόψεις ; Αντιλήψεις ; Τρόποι αντιμετώπισηςAbstract
The exponential increase of racism is one of the most important problems in many countries and is affecting the lives of many people directly. In Greek society discrimination based on color, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and other factors, is rampant. In schools, which are a reflection of society, there are many ways in which people can be different from one another, thus demanding teachers and principals to face various incidents of racially motivated attacks daily. The current research paper was prepared under the framework of M.Sc. in the department of Economics of the University of Piraeus, in the discipline of Economics of education and Management of Schools. This Master’s thesis consists of two parts, the theoretical part that includes two chapters and the research part which is composed of two more chapters. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the various opinions and beliefs of the teachers in primary and secondary education, regarding the role of school principals in facing racism related events in schools. The research was conducted in April of 2022 and involved teachers and principals, of primary and secondary education. For this research, anonymous surveys were used with a final sample size of 152 people. More specifically: a) the various viewpoints of teachers regarding the phenomenon of school racism, b) the methods that teachers and principals of schools have implemented in order to face this problem as well as how effective they were, c) the degree of importance that teachers place on the principals and their role of facing and dealing with racist behaviors, were researched. After processing the data, it was evident that school racism had a strong presence in Greek schools and is a difficult problem to handle and solve. In general, teachers and principals are aware of what school racism is and the various forms it can take, but often times, they do not possess the necessary resources required in order to properly face it. It became clear that teachers were in need of additional training in regards with the various methods which can be used to face such a predicament. Additionally, from our findings, the importance of the principal having an active role when it comes to facing this phenomenon, became evident. In fact, many younger and less experienced teachers, stated that if they were in such a position, they would have enacted different tactics to combat this issue. Teachers believe that, to a large extent, the principals of schools need to cooperate more effectively with the parties involved such as the parents, children as well as the special counselors. Lastly, the research indicated that principals need to strive to establish a healthy environment of cooperation such that the teachers feel ready to take the initiative in facing this phenomenon.