Ο ρόλος του σχολικού ηγέτη στη διαμόρφωση κλίματος ενθάρρυνσης της γονεϊκής εμπλοκής
The role of the school leader in forming a climate that encourages parental involvement

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Ηγεσία ; Σχολική ηγεσία ; Μετασχηματιστική ηγεσία ; Γονεϊκή εμπλοκή ; Προσωπικότητα του / της διευθυντή / διευθύντριας ; Ρόλος του / της διευθυντή / διευθύντριαςAbstract
The active participation of parents and their collaboration with their children’s school is nowadays of vital importance for the students’ academic progress. The headmaster as well as the teachers should find creative and innovative ways to augment parents’ participation. As everybody is aware of the significance and the challenges regarding the collaboration of the school with the family, scholars have studied the ways which assist and support parental participation to scholar life since parents’ collaboration with the teachers has proven to play an important role to students’ academic progress and to their socialization too.
This collaboration, however, or as it is academically referred to, “parental involvement”, depends not only on parents but also on the school principal as he/she determines the relationship among teachers and parents and defines the communication among school and parents.
The present study attempts, through the use of questionnaires, to look into the parents’ perceptions on primary school principal’s personality, role and attitude and the way he/she affects parental communication and collaboration with their children’s school as well as their active participation in their children’s education.
First, terms such as “leadership”, “school leadership” and “parental involvement” will be defined, second, the school principal’s role will be examined and then the school principal’s personality traits will be analyzed to find out whether these traits encourage or discourage parental involvement.