Αποδοτικότητα & αποτελεσματικότητα των επιχειρήσεων / οργανισμών: η περίπτωση των μονάδων ιδιωτικής δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης

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It is a fact that education has a dominant role in personal, social and economic level. Εducation provided in a Country is mainly based on schools’ management. So, schools should periodically monitor and measure their efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and other relevant key performance indicators, during their effort to meet the requirements of the contemporary society.
As a rule, both teachers and principals’ "life – long" education implies the continuous improvement of organizations/ companies, i.e. private educational units as a whole. Based on this, the aim of this doctoral dissertation is to investigate the factors that determine organizations/ companies’ efficiency and effectiveness in the field of education. More specifically, because one of the main purposes of education is to contribute to the comprehensive, harmonious and balanced development of the mental and psychosomatic functions of each student, the proper management and both the coordination of resources (human, material, technical) and the functions that support the educational process in an effective way are considered as necessary prerequisites.
More specific, the first chapter presents a brief overview of contemporary Greek education’s history, the way of establishment and operation, the structure and the administration of secondary education units (here, General High Schools), emphasizing those of private sector, according to law, as well as the latest statistics and data.
The second chapter concerns the systematic approach of a school’s operation, analyzes both its external and internal environment according to the principles of strategic management and then, presents the tools/ methods of both its administration according to the requirements of educational management. Then, education, as a service, is analyzed and also, the basic characteristics, both the principles and the dimensions of its quality, both the benefits and the obstacles from the implementation of quality, the concept of Total Quality Management are presented. Finally, the chapter concludes with the remarkable role of a school’s principal (leader) and the factor of catalytic importance for its quality operation: the culture.
The third chapter presents the definitions, the types, the models and the ways of measuring efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. Next, the relationship between these three senses in a private school is presented. Finally, the concept, the tools and the organizational performance’s indicators are mentioned.
In the fourth chapter, there is a brief presentation of the (quantitative) research in social sciences and more specifically, in the field of education. Moreover, both the methodology and the design of this research are recorded, i.e. the population, the research questions, the measuring instrument and its reliability and validity tests, the research topics and its modules, the data collection method, the response rate and the data analysis method.
The fifth chapter presents the analysis of the demographic characteristics of the participants (principals), the student public and the teaching and administrative staff during the specific school year. Then, there are frequency distributions of the examined variables per thematic unit: organization and administration, standard evaluation of teaching staff, organizational culture, inclusion and guidance, diversity, job satisfaction. Moreover, participants' responses as far as the school effectiveness is concerned and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic are displayed. Finally, correlations are made between the questions in order to answer the research questions and a table with the analysis of the indicators based on the statistical data is displayed.
Thus, at the end, both the conclusions and the interpretation of the results, the limitations and the suggestions for further research are presented. The main conclusions of this doctoral dissertation are methodologically based on the investigation of the current situation, the review of the relevant literature and the results of the primary research aimed at recording the factors that affect both the effectiveness and the efficiency of private secondary schools, i.e. Greek High Schools.