Ιδιωτική και δημόσια ασφάλιση υγείας: προβλεπτικοί παράγοντες διαφοροποίησης στην Ελλάδα και σε χώρες της Νοτίου Ευρώπης το 2017
Private and public and health insurance: predictive factors in Greece and across Southern European countries in 2017
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Ιδιωτική ασφάλιση υγείας ; Δημόσια ασφάλιση υγείαςAbstract
In the context of this research, we attempt to investigate private health insurance and how much citizens choose it in combination with the public one in the countries of Southern Europe. We examine what prevails in each country and we focus mainly on how citizens could integrate it into their lives. Hence, we aim to pinpoint factors that would induce higher rates of participation in private health insurance schemes.
The first chapter highlights the aims of this research. In the second chapter we describe in detail what prevails in each of the countries of Southern Europe while we also examine differentials. . In the following chapters, data from the SHARE project have been used in order to carry out statistical analysis. More specifically, in the third chapter has been carried out an initial descriptive analysis of the data .
Also, in the third chapter we present a two-dimensional analysis using descriptive statistical methods, through graphs, frequency tables, independence tests and correlation measures.
In the fourth chapter, logistic regression models have been developed, to assess the influence of various factors on the choice of private health insurance.
Finally, the last chapter summarizes the most important conclusions of the analysis. It is worth mentioning that the influence of demographic factors, such as gender, age, place of residence, and of health- related factors, on the choice of private insurance has been confirmed.