The global liquefied natural gas market: challenges and prospects

Master Thesis
Zema, Aspasia
Ζέμα, Ασπασία
Roukanas, SpyridonΡουκανάς, Σπυρίδων
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Purpose of the present study is to analyze challenges and prospects of the global liquefied natural gas market. To achieve the purpose of this research, primary qualitative research was conducted. Selecting the deliberate sampling, the researcher selected from the entire population 3 experts on the subject, from whom she asked their permission to participate in the research. Through qualitative research the researcher collected the data through conducting semi-structured interviews. From all the work it is concluded that the global gas market is in a phase of transformation changing in turn the energy map. Currently fragmented by region and mode of transport (via pipelines or liquefaction) the gas market will gradually become unified globally. The main connecting link between the three major regional markets in North America, Europe and Asia will be liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is transported by special tankers. The exploitation of gas has shown tremendous growth over the last decade, but the way it is priced remains almost entirely dependent on the oil market.