Η ισορροπία εργασίας - προσωπικής ζωής και η χωρίς αποκλεισμούς βιώσιμη οικονομική ανάπτυξη στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση κατά την περίοδο 2015 -2020
Work-life balance and inclusive sustainable economic growth in the European Union during the period 2015 -2020

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Συμφιλίωση ; Επάγγελμα ; Οικογένεια ; Βιώσιμη οικονομική ανάπτυξη ; Στερεότυπα ; Διακρίσεις ; Καλές πρακτικές ; Κοινωνική ένταξηAbstract
A particularly interesting area of research is the (im) balance between work and family /
personal life and its relationship to a sustainable and socially inclusive development strategy
in the European Union. In the period 2015-2020, the EU "Europe 2020" strategy was enriched
with the dimension of climate change by the Paris Conference (2015) and incorporated in all
EU policies the 2030 Agenda, with the 17 Goals of Sustainable Development of the United
Nations. The work is based on bibliographic research and the findings of two major surveys to
harmonize work with family life, the first of which was conducted in 2016 by the KMOP
(Family and Child Care Center) on a sample of 1,000 employees women in Greece,while the
second is the survey of the EU labor force (European Union Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS)
was conducted in 2018 in households of the countries of the European Union and published
by Eurostat in 2019. The survey examines the policies and practices of all Member States and
identifies the good practices, policies of countries with excellent social investment
performance in care and pre-school education. Those who have exceeded the 75% target in
employment, and have met both of Barcelona's targets for childcare structures, and as stated
in the research have harmonized their professional and family life.
Complementary are the findings of the KMOP research (2016), which show that in "dual
career" couples, the sharing of family responsibilities contributes to professional success and
family happiness and to the increase of female employment, and therefore to economic
development (Dedousopoulos, 2013).
A milestone for the European Union is the fact that after declaring on 17/11/2017 the
European Pillar with the 20 social rights, for the first time with the directive 2019/1158
legislated and entered into force in all the MS, the 9th social Pillar right for the balance
between the professional and family life of working parents and carers. The directive
essentially deals with family leaves, flexible ways of organizing work and care services for
adults and children. so that employees with little children and carers can harmoniously
combine family and work.
The work concludes with the presentation of my effort to conduct a qualitative research with
the collaboration of 12 respondents, during the period October 25 - December 22, 2020. The
research title is: The relationship between the balance of professional and personal life and the
inclusive, sustainable economic development of the EU, during the first wave of the covid-19
pandemic (first wave: March 2020- July 2020).