Το διεθνές εμπόριο υγροποιημένων αέριων καυσίμων και οι τερματικοί σταθμοί διαχείρισης τους

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Υγροποιημένο φυσικό αέριο ; LPG ; Πλοία LNG & LPG ; Χώρες εισαγωγής ; Χώρες εξαγωγής ; Τερματικός σταθμός ; Βιώσιμη ναυτιλία ; Εναλλακτικό ναυτιλιακό καύσιμοAbstract
The purpose of this study is to present and analyze the key elements of the liquefied gas market, namely LNG and LPG as well as their maritime trade. During the study and research, emphasis was on the direct connection of these two fuels with the race against climate change, while an effort was made to take a comprehensive and concise approach, initially referring to their production (Chapter 1) and thereafter presenting and analyzing the most important market factors, such as imports and exports (Chapter 2), foreign and inland infrastructure (Chapter 3, Gate Terminal in the Port of Rotterdam), (Chapter 4, Revythousa and Alexandroupolis LNG Station). Finally, reference is made to Sustainable Shipping (Chapter 5) and the role of LNG as an alternative fuel for achieving the objectives of reducing GHG emissions. The methodology followed was based on the descriptive analysis of the most recent statistical data from subscriber shipping brokers and analysts, market reports by official organizations and scientific articles published on the internet.