The energy partnership of Africa and the European Union. Joint Africa-EU targets

Master Thesis
Papadopoulou, Aspasia - Sofia
Παπαδοπούλου, Ασπασία - Σοφία
Roukanas, SpyridonΡουκανάς, Σπυρίδων
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Africa ; E.U. ; African energy institutions ; AEEP ; Africa’s Energy Mix ; COMESAΠερίληψη
Energy sector of Africa is vital for its development in the future and remains one of the least
understood areas of the international energy system. Africa is huge, around the size of the United
States, China, India and Europe combined and although it has energy resources sufficient to meet
domestic needs, more than two-thirds of its population lacks access to modern energy. Africa’s
energy resources effective development could exceed huge profits throughout the economy. How
African emerging countries with rich resources can maximize their value? Whereas this in-depth
study presents selected energy data and projections across Africa, the focus of the analysis and
discussion is on the EU-Africa Energy Partnership and African energy institutions. There are
areas in Africa such as rich natural resources and a growing working age population that have the
potential advantage but have not yet been fully exploited. In addition, there are many other
challenges, such as high levels of poverty and inequality, severe lack of infrastructure, poor
governance and corruption, relatively low levels of productivity and skills, and unpredictable
levels of political stability. Many of these factors contribute to a difficult and costly to operate
business environment.