Recreational fishing tourism in Greece

Master Thesis
Stathis, Panagiotis
Στάθης, Παναγιώτης
Sakellariadou, FaniΣακελλαριάδου, Φανή
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Fishing tourism ; Tourists ; FishermenΠερίληψη
The purpose of this dissertation is the research for the ideal way of applying Recreational Fishing Tourism in Greece, as a modern type of touristic activity that if developed properly it could offer multiple benefits. Due to its complexity multiple areas are studied. First, we will discuss about the fisheries in the Mediterranean, the existing fishery policy and the declining of the fish stocks. Proceeding, we will analyze the today’s reality of fishing in Greece, the current situation of the Greek fishing fleet as well as the economic measurements accordingly. After that, there is an examination of tourism, the alternative forms of it and its contribution to the Greek economy. Following, Recreational Fishing Tourism is presented with its various characteristics and the existing legislations that the professionals of the sector need to comply with. Subsequently, we are introduced to the Sustainable Development and Blue Growth and their connection with the fishing sector. In order to get the needed results, two questionnaires were created for the tourists and the fishermen respectively. Finally, a discussion is made and suggestions are presented.