Εναλλακτικές μέθοδοι προμηθειών των νοσοκομείων: ηλεκτρονικοί διαγωνισμοί
Alternative hospital supplying methods: Electronic Public Procurements
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Δημόσιοι ηλεκτρονικοί διαγωνισμοί προμηθειών ; Δημόσιες συμβάσεις προμηθειών ; Προμήθειες νοσοκομείων ; Διαύγεια ; Παρατηρητήριο ΤιμώνAbstract
The last decade, the productivity and the economic effectiveness in the field of healthcare services in all the advanced countries and economies, without a doubt has been a controversial issue, due to the magnitude of economic resources that are being absorbed by the healthcare economic field. The economic theory of optimization, that’s aiming to the maximization of customer satisfaction with the least cost, due to the restricted economic resources, consists at all times the main purpose and the legitimate goal in every well-established economy when it comes to the healthcare system management.
In regard to the hospital field, from the perspective of costs that are being made both internationally and in Greece, the last 35 years has shown a bold increase as today in Greece the expenses of the healthcare field absorb up to 50% of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Greece. In this constantly emerging environment and according to several questionnaires and researches that have been carried in Greece through the years, despite the fact that in the healthcare system have been invested extortionate capitals, hospital patients strongly believe that their healthcare needs are being partially accommodated because of the lack of remaining hospital resources.
The issue of hospital expendable supplies consists one of the most important healthcare problems, in which the Greece’s official National Health System lacks in. The problems focus on basic crooks of the hospital supplies’ administrative procedure, such as delays on the supplies of goods, allowances for contravention not only on the prices but on the quality of goods as well, due to the lack of common hospital product specifications and delays on the disbursement of suppliers. The result is that the hospital suppliers’ prices are being burdened and in the healthcare economy oligopolistic situations are being encouraged because of problematic hospital negotiations with suppliers. Therefore, it is crucial to accent that the procedures of assessment and assignment with the appropriate hospital supplier consists important actions, in which every hospital needs to pay attention and emphasis.
According to the economic theory, the available resources - and consequently the means of the healthcare system – are inadequate as compared with the existing citizens’ needs. However, the healthcare field shows high competitiveness when it comes to the allocation of resources against other national economic fields (such as education, national defense, social assurances, etc.) as hospitals and smaller healthcare units across country try and have constantly as a main goal to find new innovative ways of unit cost management, cost reduction and generally improving their efficiency. As a result it is crucial to analyze which is the most efficient distribution of public resources, in order to maximize the society’s mileage. However, something like that must happen while taking into account the existence of big organic and administrative absences in healthcare systems, which obviously makes for declines in produced goods and services. Furthermore, some other criterions that need to be taken into account is the relationship between the expected positive healthcare results of the wider society, as well as the effectiveness of used resources that are being consumed in the name of healthcare.
Without a doubt, the production and amenity of healthcare services consist among others the most important cost in the healthcare field, consuming colossal material and human resources. Additionally, intense demands for healthcare services cause a severe accumulation of people in hospital operating costs due to exponential people’s aging. Another crucial factor that affects the configuration of the hospitals’ operational costs is the way of managing, accumulating and consuming expendable goods.
However, we need to accent the confluence and importance of the working staff in Greek hospitals, as they directly affect not only the supply chain but consequently the hospitals’ operational costs as well. The size, the composition and the quality of human labor define acutely the productive and effective acquisition and administration of goods. As a result, it is crucial to draw upon every existing information about the acquisition of expendable hospital goods – and that’s where the purpose of the following dissertation lies – the goal of the current research is the depiction of methods that are being followed by healthcare employees and practitioners regarding the prosecution and administration of open public tender offers as a part of hospitals’ supply accumulation. Eventually, to acquire a wider apprehension of the hospitals’ supply accumulation procedures, there will be an in-depth analysis of statutory legislations which depict the process followed by healthcare employees in order to assess sanitary goods when at the same time we will try to find and analyze alternative ways and techniques which aim at improving the market’s competitiveness while safeguarding the quality of goods which flow in the national healthcare system.