Πληθυσμός, αστικοποίηση και βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη
Population, urbanization and sustainable development
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Πληθυσμός ; Αστικοποίηση ; Βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη ; Υπερπληθυσμός ; Ανεπτυγμένες περιοχές ; Υποανάπτυκτες περιοχές ; ΜετανάστευσηAbstract
The following paper refers to the size of the population and its management as the number of people living on earth continues to increase. The reasons for this increase, which is more evident in urban areas, are mainly the decrease in mortality rates, the increase in births, medical discoveries and the increase in migration waves. This leads to a variety of environmental and social problems, while at the same time having negative economic consequences.
Subsequently the problems caused by overpopulation are presented which include depletion of natural resources, rising unemployment, declining rural populations and the rapid extinction of species. It also shows that increasing urbanization combined with the intensity of human activity is detrimental to the biodiversity and mental health of citizens. Also there is an analysis of each of the 17 goals of the United Nations, their relationship with the population and the connection between them and the difference in the effects that are created in different parts of the world.
Finally, solutions are proposed for the management of the population, which are both in the efforts of the national institutions to implement policies based on guidelines, and in the global community of citizens to act individually in the interest of humanity.