The application of biomass for CHP in Europe. Regulation and economics: the case of Amynteon

Master Thesis
Μπινιάρης, Γεώργιος
Biniaris, Georgios
Δαγούμας, ΑθανάσιοςΠροβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Biomass energy ; Combined Heat and Power (CHP) ; District Heating (DH) ; Energy efficiency ; Electricity ; Thermal energy ; Thermal Energy Storage (TES) ; Regulation ; Energy policyΠερίληψη
The European Union (EU) is committed to reduce carbon emissions by 80-95% in
2050, when compared to 1990. To reach this ambitious objective, a shift in energy
consumption to low carbon, locally produced energy, and Renewable Energy Sources
(RES) is needed. The use of biomass to produce electricity, heat and fuels could
significantly help towards this direction. More specifically, the generation of electricity
supplemented by the production of thermal energy (Combined Heat and Power - CHP)
is an efficient way το achieve EU’s targets. The produced thermal energy of the CHP
plant could be used to supply District Heating Networks (DHN) of cities with cold
In the context of this master’s thesis, the application of biomass for CHP in Europe
was studied. At the beginning was analyzed the policy framework for biomass and CHP
in EU. Furthermore, an extensive analysis of the EU’s legal regime of biomass and
cogeneration from it was executed. This analysis was further extended for the case of
Greece. Moreover, the available technologies for biomass CHP were studied and the
main advantages and disadvantages of biomass, as well as applications of CHP plants
worldwide, were presented.
Furthermore, a feasibility study concerning the installation of a CHP plant
supplying with thermal energy the DHN of the city of Amynteon (Greece) was
executed. Following a detailed energy study for the calculation of the installed electrical
and thermal capacity of the specific plant, an extensive techno-economic analysis was
performed, which proved that under certain conditions the relative investment could
be profitable. Finally, an optimization study concerning the installation of a Thermal
Energy Storage (TES) system in parallel with the CHP plant was also executed.