Mediation in energy disputes (oil and gas sector)

Master Thesis
Kamilarakis, Vasileios
Καμηλαράκης, Βασίλειος
Φαραντούρης, ΝικόλαοςΠροβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Energy ; Mediation ; Oil and gas industry ; Disputes ; NegotiationsΠερίληψη
This dissertation addresses mediation as an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanism, focusing on Oil and Gas (energy) disputes. This industry involves activities such as exploration, drilling and production of Oil and Gas, which are complicated, costly and risky. Thus, disputes should be resolved in a very effective, delicate and non-time-consuming way. The dissertation begins with the meaning of mediation and its differences to judicial dispute resolution (i.e. litigation) and to arbitration (the most frequently used type of ADR). Then, it illustrates the areas of conflict that arise in the international Oil and Gas business, which could involve states, companies and individuals as well. Afterwards, there is an extensive analysis of mediation as part of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) dispute resolution mechanism. ECT is a legally binding international investment agreement that establishes a multilateral framework for cross-border cooperation in the energy industry, covering all aspects of commercial energy activities including trade, transit, investments and energy efficiency, while at the same time including dispute resolution procedures. Therefore, it is a significant part of this dissertation, since it affects many countries, including Greece, who signed, ratified and still implementing the treaty. Subsequently, a lot of attention is paid to negotiation tactics and strategies, based on the Harvard Negotiation Project’s approach, that could be useful on the course of mediation procedure. The last chapter consists of an analysis of the Greek legal status of mediation and the enforcement of international or domestic mediated settlement agreements in Greece.