Η συμβολή της πολιτικής συνοχής της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στην εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση: αξιολόγηση δράσεων και προγραμμάτων για τη δια βίου μάθηση

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Πολιτική συνοχής ; Απασχόληση ; Αγορά εργασίας ; Ανεργία ; Κατάρτιση ; Δια βίου μάθησηAbstract
In recent years, the European edifice has been called upon dealing not only with multiple economic crises but also with significant social changes, which greatly affect the structure and coherence of the European Union. E. Durkheim has empha-sized the importance of social cohesion in his work, in the context of society, in order to prevent "situations of lawlessness" as he distinctively mentions.
As we experience a partial contemporary state of lawlessness, emphasizing on economic and social issues, the maintenance of balance and cohesion are at stake. Aiming at the development and maintenance of cohesion, the education sector has been a fundamental state concern, in order to provide specialized labor, which in turn will ensure financial development and social cohesion. By prioritizing the economy, the education sector is called upon to surpass the ongoing changes of socio-economic conditions and to focus on the effectiveness of Lifelong Learning as a trigger to re-vive the economy. Europe, which has a key role in shaping policies, soon realized the need for formal and informal forms of education, paying particular attention to con-tinuing vocational training. Europe's early political interventions were consolidated by the Lisbon Treaty, where Lifelong Learning acquired a specific framework.
The European Union, always highlighting the financial context, linked the la-bor market to education by emphasizing the quality, qualifications and opportunities that result from the acquisition of skills. However, its policy, despite being extensively based on market models, was holistic, as it invested in human resources, in addition to focusing on the role of the state. In order to ensure the maximum participation in edu-cational programs or to reform the non-existent, in some cases, Lifelong Learning framework, it has incorporated a regional policy tool, which will be available to sup-port other European Union policies, for example education. The aim of the project was to maintain cohesion and alleviate economic and social inequalities among states.
This study, in addition to forming and developing policies, addresses the role of the economy and development in the field of education, while through previous research examines the issue of low adult participation in Lifelong Learning programs, focusing on the Greek region.