Ο ιδιωτικός κλάδος υπηρεσιών υγείας στην Ελλάδα. Μελέτη περίπτωσης «Όμιλος ΥΓΕΙΑ»
Private health services in Greece. A case study on "HYGEIA Group"

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Σύστημα υγείας ; Ιδιωτικός τομέας ; Ζήτηση υπηρεσιών υγείας ; Προσφορά υπηρεσιών υγείας ; Ικανοποίηση ασθενών ; Ανταγωνισμός ; Porter analysis ; SWOT analysis ; Στρατηγικό μάνατζμεντ ; Ανάπτυξη ιδιωτικού κλάδουAbstract
This study analyses the situation that exists in the private health sector in Greece and it presents data on the growth of the private sector.
The introduction of the National Health System had met public demand as there had been widespread dissatisfaction with the existing health services. The basic goals of the National Health System were to increase public health resources, decentralize and reorganize the health system, develop public primary healthcare services, upgrade hospitals, strengthen human resources and exercise control over private sector. However, the NSH was one of the greatest failures of the health reform and the private sector started to have a rapid growth. The Greek citizens were very dissatisfied from the public health system due to the low quality hotel services and the long waiting lists for certain specialties.
The growth of private health expenditure and private health services apart from increased patient satisfaction have also achieved higher efficiency indicators as far as the average length of stay, occupancy rates, manpower and subsequent cost structure are concerned.
Although, we need to consider the principle that healthcare reform should be structured on improving people’s health, and not in containing costs.
This study consists of a theoretical review and a case study of Hygeia Group which owns business groups operating in the health service providers sector.
In chapter 1, there is a reference to Greek economy and how this current economic situation effects on National Health System. Furthermore, it refers to the concept of the health system and its characteristics as well as to the characteristics of the health system in Greece.
In chapter 2 are specifically analyzed the characteristics of the private health sector, the institutional framework governing the sector and the cost distinction.
In chapter 3, there are mentioned the demand factors for health services, the offer of health services both in personal level and also related to infrastructure and medical equipment, the structure and organization of the private health services and also the market shares of either companies or business groups.
Chapter 4 is focused on strategic management tools and how these are used by the companies in order to have a leading market position.
In chapter 5, there is a presentation of Hygeia Group for every company and hospital that Hygeia Group owns. This chapter analyses the business activities of the Group, the shareholders, the revenue, the internal control, the policy and all the services that the Group offers.
At the final chapter is mentioned the business plan and the strategic growth of the group. Keeping a close watch on the environment of the Group, this chapter focuses on introducing its strategic priorities in order to provide quality healthcare services and to maintain its leading position in the healthcare sector globally with consistency and a deep sense of responsibility.
The data for the case study were taken from the Annual Report and Corporate Responsibility Report of Hygeia Group for 2018.
In this study were carried out a Porter’s analysis to analyze the micro –environment and macro –environment and a SWOT analysis to analyze the internal and external environment of the private health sector.