Οι υδάτινοι πόροι ως βασικός παραγωγικός συντελεστής στην βιοοικονομία
Aquatic resources as main productive factor in bioeconomy
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Νερό ; Υδάτινοι πόροι ; Βιοοικονομία ; ΣυντελεστήςAbstract
The issue discussed in this paper is the management of water resources. More specifically, the introductory
chapter presents a presentation of the most important characteristics and properties of water and water
resources. Thereafter, reference is made to the objectives 6 and 14 set by the United Nations, as these two
objectives concern rational water management, equal and universal access to drinking water and sanitation,
as well as the treatment of pollution of the oceans and prevention of its deterioration. In the next chapter,
there are three case studies of "L 'Oreal", "The Coca Cola Company", "Heracles", which have integrated
water management into their strategic plans, and all three have high water consumption. Reference is made
to water management in the tourism sector as well. Then, we analyze the proper use of water resources at
city level. Emphasis is placed on combating pollution and tackling the reduction of available stocks, as well
as water management in riverine areas. Case studies are also presented. In conclusion, the final conclusions,
challenges, obstacles and proposals for a more sound and sustainable management of water resources are