Ψυχική υγεία και θνησιμότητα στην Ευρώπη το 2015
Mental wellbeing and mortality in Europe in 2015

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Θνησιμότητα ; Ψυχική υγεία ; Έρευνα SHARE ; Στατιστική ανάλυσηAbstract
Mental illnesses are a category of diseases affecting the inhabitants of modern Europe.This MSc thesis is based on the sixth and the second wave of the SHARE study (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement ) and aims to investigate associations between mortality and various mental conditions concerning people aged 50 years and over, across Europe. To attain the dissertation’s objectives, Logistic Regression has been used as the main method of analysis. In particular, an introduction referring to the characteristics of various mental diseases and mortality, based on past research, is presented in the first chapter. The second chapter reports information about SHARE and variables related to our analysis. At the same time, a descriptive statistical analysis of the sample is carried out, to investigate variations in mortality according to demographic, socioeconomic, health and morbidity characteristics. Subsequently, the third chapter explores possible correlations between the dependent variable -mortality-and the other independent variables, using contingency tables, Chi-Square Tests or correlation coefficients in some cases. Additionally, the fourth chapter includes exploration of these associations using logistic regression models and finally, the fifth chapter presents the main conclusions of the study derived from the statistical analysis.