Δαπάνες γενικών κυβερνήσεων Ελλάδας και Σουηδίας για τον τομέα της υγείας σε ποσοστό του Α.Ε.Π. για την περίοδο 1996-2015
General government expenditure in Greece and Sweden concerning the health sector as a percentage of GDP for the period 1996-2015

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Υγεία ; Συστήματα υγείας ; Σουηδικό μοντέλο υγείας ; Ελληνικό σύστημα υγείας ; Δαπάνες δημοσίου και ιδιωτικού τομέα ; Δείκτες υγείας ; ΑΕΠ ; Health ; Health system ; Swedish health model ; Greek health model ; Public and private expenditure ; Health indicators ; GDPAbstract
The health sector in the countries of Europe over the last decade is in constant pressure to proceed
with a series of changes to both its existing structures and its effectiveness. The underlying causes
of these pressures are the aging of the population of Europe, the change in the pattern of diseases,
the constant development of information technology and technologies associated with new diagnostic therapies. All these causes, coupled with the growing demands of citizens, contribute to reforms.
The goal for all the countries of the European Union, and more specifically Greece and Sweden, the
countries in which we focus in this work is to provide quality services, to eliminate social and economic disparities on the free access to health and to reduce the cost of health care in an environment
with limited resources.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the expenditure of the general government of Greece and
Sweden for the health sector in percentage of GDP for the period from 1996 to 2015. The two countries were chosen as these are representative examples of two out of the four health systems operating within the European Union.