Χρήση εικονογραφημένου εντύπου για εκμάθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας σε αλλοδαπά παιδιά πρώιμης σχολικής ηλικίας
The use of picture book reading for teaching the greek language to early-school children

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Γραμματισμός ; Διγλωσσία ; Πρώιμη σχολική ηλικία ; Διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση ; Παράλληλες δομές στήριξης ; Ένταξη ; Μετανάστες ; Πρόσφυγες ; Εικονογραφημένο έντυποAbstract
The purpose of this thesis is to study the practices and teaching methods, used by scientific
staff in educational structures, in order to promote Greek language and literacy to foreign
students of early age. Specifically, this qualitative research aims at investigating the
contribution of picture book reading as a tool for familiarizing children aged 5-7 with Greek
language and literacy. The sample consisted of six educators, who were working, at the period
of this survey (June 2018), on educational structures for immigrant and refugee children.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to address the research questions. Data
analysis was performed using content analysis technique. As for the results, there was a great
similarity of interviewer’s practices and methods, despite of the sample's heterogeneity. All
educators use picture book reading, in order to achieve specific goals, as well as to formulate
education policy. In most cases, familiarity with the Greek language is an indirect target and
priority is given to the socio-emotional expression and the ethical and moral shaping of
foreign students. The educational practices followed by the instructors are invisible, aiming to
learn the Greek language with a playful way. Furthermore, the attempts for contact and
collaboration between the educators and the parents face many significant complications and
in fact it is troublesome to build a productive and cooperative relationship. Finally, the
learning outcomes regarding to children sample’s seems to depend on a number of factors,
such as age, previous school experience, cultural background, psycho-emotional status,
country of destination, etc. At the end, children’s integration in the social and school context
seems to significantly depend on the support of humanitarian organizations (international,
public and private) and on the educator’s personal work.