Εξευρωπαϊσμός κι εκπαίδευση: η συμβολή της σχολικής ηγεσίας στον εξευρωπαϊσμό της σχολικής μονάδας πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, μέσω της κινητικότητας των εκπαιδευτικών

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Πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση ; Σχολική ηγεσία ; Εξευρωπαϊσμός ; Erasmus+ KA1 ; Κινητικότητα ; ΕπιμόρφωσηAbstract
School management in our present times is faced with a series of changes and challenges, which results in the need to upgrade its role. Schools are required to become more flexible and efficient. The main aim of our research is to approach the positive or the negative role of school managementin promoting the Europeanization of school units within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA1 programme. To this aim, a questionnaire has been compiled, based on bibliographic review and previous empirical studies. The questionnaire was completed by 141 primary school teachers who work in schools throughout Greece and who have participated in Erasmus + KA1 mobility programs. The main research finding is that primary school management needs to promote a change in mentality in schools in order to encourage teachers to participate in mobility programs. Thus, it can contribute to the European development of the Greek educational system by promoting the will to implement new and innovative teaching tools in the educational process which are in line with the Europeanization. Also, research findings provide suggestions that will enable school management to become more effective in the implementation of changes and the Europeanization of education.