Ο γλωσσικός ηγεμονισμός μέσα στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση

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Πολυγλωσσία ; Γλωσσικός ηγεμονισμός ; Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ; Αγγλική γλώσσα ; Μετάφραση ; Διερμηνεία ; Εκπαιδευτικές πολιτικές ; Ήπια Ισχύς (Soft Power) ; Παγκοσμιοποίηση ; Πολιτιστική διπλωματία ; ΗΠΑ ; Βρετανικό Συμβούλιο ; Multilingualism ; Linguistic imperialism ; European Union ; English language ; Translation ; Interpretation ; Educational policies ; Soft power ; Globalization ; Cultural diplomacy ; USA ; British CouncilAbstract
The present dissertation examines the multilingual regime of the European Union and the way of its implementation in the European governance, as well as the phenomenon of the linguistic imperialism within the Union with the English language being the “lingua franca” of modern Europe. The multilingualism in the institutional and subsidiary bodies of the E.U., the educational policies on multilingualism that are implemented in the E.U., the language of translation that functions as a means of communication for the E.U. institutions and the E.U. people are aspects of the multilingual Union, that cannot, therefore, restrain the linguistic imperialism of the English language. The soft power of the U.S.A., the successful cultural diplomacy of the British Council are the factors that have led to the linguistic imperialism of the English language in the E.U., which is very unlikely to be tumbled by the imminent secession of the United Kingdom from the E.U. Finally, the Union with the 27 member states and the 23 official languages will be an organism that essentially wavers while trying to balance between the multilingualism and the linguistic imperialism of the English language.