Εμπειρική μελέτη και διερεύνηση της σχέσης μεταξύ του ακαθάριστου εγχώριου προϊόντος και της συνολικής κατανάλωσης σε δέκα χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης
Empirical study and investigation of the relationship between gross domestic product and final consumption in ten countries of the European Union

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Ακαθάριστο Εγχώριο Προϊόν ; Κατανάλωση ; Χρονοσειρές ; Στασιμότητα ; Έλεγχος μοναδιαίας ρίζας ; Αιτιότητα κατά Granger ; Συνολοκλήρωση ; Υπόδειγμα διόρθωσης λαθών ; Gross Domestic Product ; Consumption ; Time series ; Stationarity ; Unit Root Test ; Granger causality ; Cointegration ; Error correction modelAbstract
This thesis explores the relationship between Gross Domestic Product and final
consumption in ten developed countries of the European Union. The aim of the study
is to examine the economic behavior of these variables and investigate the existence
and the direction of the causality between them, in the short and long term. This
research is accomplished by using econometric techniques and theories, such as Unit
Root Tests, Granger causality, Cointegration and Error Correction Models. The
empirical part of this work uses annual observations of the Gross Domestic Product
and consumption for the countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece,
Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Portugal and Finland. The time span of the research
covers a period from 1990 to 2015 and the data was collected from the database
World Development Indicators (WDI), of World Data Bank.
Τhe empirical results of the study, for all the countries examined, indicate that
there is a unilateral causal relationship from GDP to consumption, for the countries
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece and the Netherlands, while there is a
bilateral causal relationship of the examined variables, for the countries Spain,
Cyprus, Portugal and Finland. Furthermore, according to the theory of cointegration,
longrun relationships are found between the variables of GDP and consumption for all
the examined countries, apart from Cyprus and Finland. Finally, the adjustment terms
of the error correction models were calculated, showing that there is a shortrun
relationship linking the variables of consumption and GDP for all countries, except