Η επίδραση των νέων περιβαλλοντικών διατάξεων του ΙΜΟ στην διαφοροποίηση του λειτουργικού κόστους μιας ναυτιλιακής εταιρείας

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IMO ; Ασφάλεια στην ναυτιλία ; Ποιοτικός έλεγχος ; Ναυτιλιακές εταιρείες ; Κώδικας ISMAbstract
This thesis discusses the contribution of the mandatory ΙΜΟ conventions on maritime
safety and pollution prevention for quality management in shipping companies. The IMO
provisions will be analyzed, focusing on the environmental segment and their impact on the
operating costs of a shipping company.
The reduction of accidents at sea is the main purpose of the IMO, which operates in
cooperation with the Governments in the area of regulations and practices relating to technical
matters of all kinds affecting shipping globally.
Also encouraging the adoption of higher standards of safety and efficiency of navigation
and pollution prevention as well as compensation of naval requirements are objectives of IMO.
This international management standard was adopted by the IMO (International Maritime
Organization) in November 1993 to introduce the importance of human factors and safety
regulations for commercial vessels worldwide, including requirements for their managing
The decision on the enforcement of the ISM Code as well as many other regulations, has
caused great inconvenience to all parties involved: the administrations flags, insurance
associations, shipping companies themselves, etc.
I have decided to deal with maritime safety through the IMO provisions as it is an
important global measure for dealing with maritime accidents and for the safety of human life
at sea. Importance will be given to the extensive analysis of ISM, ISPS and other relevant
provisions such as STCW, MARPOL, SOLAS and similar "conventions" corresponding to
IMO international organizations such as ILO (MLC) etc.
Questions to be answered are how the above provisions work in practice and should they
be implemented by shipping companies? Are the methods finally followed are effective?
Finally, whether these provisions affect the operating costs of companies?