Ανάλυση της ναυτιλιακής αγοράς του LPG
LPG shipping and market analysis
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Υγραέριο ; Υγροποιημένο πετρελαϊκό παράγωγο αέριο ; Προπάνιο ; Πλοία μεταφοράς υγραερίου ; Ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλία ; Petroleum gas ; Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) ; Propane ; LPG carriers ; Greek fleetAbstract
When talking about Liquified Petroleum Gas - LPG, we refer to a portable, clean and efficient source of energy, which is ready for use by millions of consumers around the world. We are also talking about a co-product of natural gas and crude oil production, with unique characteristics that turn it into a versatile fuel of more than a thousand of different applications worldwide. In LPG contribution chain, the product enters into several stages either of refinement, process, storage and/or transmission, in order to reach consumers in industry, agriculture and housing, either by whohesale or by retail. During its distribution process, there are some stages where shipping industry plays a quite important role, as LPG is often being transported by sea. The LPG Carriers represent a special sector of shipping industry, with particular activity in shipbuilding, Sales & Purchase and demolitions, while represents a costly but also profitable investment for shipowners. In all this frame, every special feature of LPG as product, LPG market and LPG carriers’ market shall be demonstrated analytically.