Μία θεωρητική διερεύνηση των τάσεων των ασφαλιστικών παροχών υγείας σε επίπεδο Ε.Ε.
A theoretical investigation of trends in health insurance benefits at the EU level
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Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ; Σύστημα υγείας ; Υγειονομική πολιτική ; Ιδιωτική υγεία ; Ασφαλιστικές καλύψεις ; European Union ; Health sector ; Health policy ; Private health ; Insurance coveringsAbstract
Over the past 10 years, the European Union has been in the middle of an economic
crisis, one of the main consequences of which has been the shrinking of the welfare
state in all the countries of the euro area. For that reason, there has been a
deregulation of "Social Protection Services" and a high development of private
interests at the expense of the public nature of public services.
This thesis attempts a critical study of modern European health policy with a view to
a fuller understanding of health service’s development. One of the major issues being
studies the last years is the impact of the reforms in the health sector, as healthcare
and health services appear to be the largest part of the services to citizens that have
been deregulated.