Online professional learning community for PYP teachers in technology integration

Master Thesis
Καραγιώργου, Γλυκερία
Karagiorgou, Glykeria
Βούρος, ΓεώργιοςΠροβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Professional learning community ; Online learning ; Primary Years Programme ; Technology integration ; Professional developmentΠερίληψη
Technology Integration has been a topic widely discussed in education. Ministries of Education around the World are investing huge amounts of money in order to equip classrooms with the necessary tools to effectively integrate technology in the classroom. However, the research shows that many technology integration plans do not succeed with the most common barrier or limitation, teachers’ professional development. Professional development for teachers is usually provided through a one-time workshop. Communities of Practice (CoP) for teachers, else known as Professional Learning Communities (PLC), have proven to be an effective method of professional development for teachers, as it provides teachers with opportunities for reflection, collaboration, sharing and participation in authentic contexts. Moreover, online learning can allows PLC to expand out of classroom walls and collaborate with other teachers regardless of their location. With that in mind, an online Professional Learning Community has been created to foster continuous professional development of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) teachers in technology integration, that are members of the Central and Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA). This pilot project aims to improve collaboration among its members in regards to technology integration and the creation of best practices for effective technology integration, in the PYP curriculum. The online Community is created and hosted on Moodle and its core members are PYP teachers and Technology Integrators of the PYP curriculum.