Αναπτύσσοντας μια οικογενειακή επιχείρηση : μελέτη περίπτωσης κλάδου γραφικών τεχνών
Developping a family business : investigating the sector of graphic arts
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Οικογενειακές επιχειρήσεις ; Γραφικές τέχνες ; Family business ; Business ; Graphic artsAbstract
In the present study we try to investigate the hot argued issue of Family Business and in what matter they are operated within Greek entrepreneurship. We focus our research in Graphic Arts sector which has its roots in the distant past with the discovery of the printer from Gutenberg. The way a Family Business is operated in the field of Graphic Arts is a topic that it will occupy us during completion of this work. After integrating our theoretical approach over the issue of Family Business and their function within Graphic Arts industry, we will proceed to conduct a research in order to outline the ability to operate a Family Business through the perception of those who work in such companies. The results of this survey gave us a comprehensive picture of the ability to maintain an enterprise of this kind. In addition to this, our findings concerning the degree of difficulty running a Family Business in Graphic Arts industry are remarkable.