Η βελτίωση της διοίκησης των δημόσιων νοσοκομείων μέσω των διαχειριστικών και οικονομικών ελέγχων του Σώματος Επιθεωρητών Υπηρεσιών Υγείας Πρόνοιας (Σ.Ε.Υ.Υ.Π.)
The improvement of administration in public hospitals through the administrative and economic controls of Body of Inspectors of Health Care
Νοσοκομεία -- Διοίκηση και οργάνωση -- Ελλάδα ; Σώμα Επιθεωρητών Υπηρεσιών Υγείας και Πρόνοιας ; Public hospitals -- Administration -- Greece ; Hospitals -- Administration -- GreeceAbstract
The majority of points that limp the nursing institutions is owed in the meagre exercise of control with regard to the legislation that is not observed for reasons of ignorance and indifference. Thus therefore, taking into consideration the new controlling institutions, using the European and international experience, the statistical elements in Greece, the first and essential step in order to achieve a better administrative change is the localisation of problems, the search of causes, the implementation of corrective metres and the realisation of retests. In the first chapter, is described the operation of hospital with points of report his role in connection with the factors of exterior environment, the present situation of nursing care, the problems and the alternative solutions of hospital unit. In the two next, are reported the constitution, the mission, the organisational structure, the sectors of activity, the crewing of Body of Inspectors of Health Care underlining the necessity of his substance and the extent of phenomenon of corruptness. At the same time is presented the approach of control as the basic operation of Body, analyzing the forms and the stages that are distinguished as well as the tools that are used by the Controlling Levels. The operation of institutional bodies, the observation of legislation, the application united and forms and the presentation of Internal System of Control in the public hospitals are the subject of thematic of the fourth chapter that portrays the exercise of control in the frame of secondary care of health. Afterwards, it follows a in detail assessment of controlling action of Body in time interval 2002-2006 per Sector and per Department the data that result from the Annual Reports of Proceedings. In the sixth chapter, is described the corresponding institution in European and in international level, more concretely in the United Kingdom, in Cyprus, in America, in combination with the accent of nursing care, the electronic governing and the Common Frame of Evaluation that attributes the countries of anile continent. In the last one, is attempted the forecast of future tendencies that concerns the operation of the public hospital and the Body of Inspectors of Health Care, is recorded the interactions that are developed between the two institutions and is appreciated their creative cross-correlation.