Νοσοκομειακά απόβλητα : διαδικασίες και κόστος διαχείρισης
Hospital waste : procedures and cost of administration
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Επικίνδυνα απόβλητα ; Νοσοκομεία -- Ελλάδα ; Hospitals -- Waste disposal -- Management ; Hospitals -- Waste disposal -- Greece -- Management ; Hospitals -- Waste disposal -- Law and legislation ; Medical wastes -- Management ; Medical wastes -- Greece -- ManagementAbstract
In this project it has been made an effort to record the procedures and to calculate as accurately as possible, the cost of handling the polluted hospital waste of a typical department of health. While the volume of industrial waste increases more and more worldwide so does the danger for public infection, therefore there is a very commanding necessity for conducting coordinate actions from all the public fields, in order to achieve a more proper handling and a reduced waste production. In the sensitive and complicated health field and especially the field of hospitals, this coordination is getting more and more necessary. For the last few years, these health institutes are mostly characterized as supply services units with plenty of activities upon which great amounts of materials and services are spent. Hospitals are units that are open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, working as nursing institutes, kitchens and restaurants, offices, photographic laboratories, laundries and even more as handling waste companies. Moreover, the energy amounts that are spent can reach high levels. This variety of activities, which take place to a hospital, have influenced the natural, social and financial level of the society. This dissertation, aims to present the appropriate procedures a hospital needs to follow when handling hospital waste as well as to calculate the cost that come across.