Στάσεις και συμπεριφορές των νοσηλευτών απέναντι σε ασθενείς με σύνδρομο επίκτητης ανοσολογικής ανεπάρκειας (HIV): περίπτωση Γ.Ν.Θ. Παπαγεωργίου
Attitudes and behaviors of nurses towards patients with AIDS / HIV: case study of G.H.T. Papagorgiou.
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Ασθενείς -- Ψυχολογία ; Ιατρικό προσωπικό και ασθενής ; Διαπροσωπική επικοινωνία ; Νοσοκομεία -- Ψυχολογικές απόψεις ; Νοσηλευτές ; Σύνδρομο επίκτητης ανοσολογικής ανεπάρκειας ; AIDS (Disease)Abstract
In this research, the aim was to investigate the attitudes and behaviors of nurses towards patients with AIDS / HIV. For this purpose, it was conducted both literature and empirical analysis. As shown by previous studies, the knowledge of nurses around the virus is generally considered inadequate, which leads to more negative attitudes of nurses. The empirical analysis was conducted in Papageorgiou Hospital, in a sample of 89 nurses from all the departments of the hospital, except three, where the nurses are not in direct contact with patients with AIDS. The results concerned the state of knowledge about the virus show that nurses have sufficient knowledge and exhibit more positive attitude towards patients with AIDS / HIV in general. Then, it seemed that there is a positive and high correlation between the educational level of nurses, the experience of nurses to patients with AIDS / HIV and their training around AIDS through seminars with their attitudes and behaviors towards patients with AIDS / HIV. This relationship does not exist between age and attitudes of nurses. In order to improve the knowledge of nurses and to have more positive attitudes it is important to attend educational seminars and workshops. Also, it is important the presence of a psychologist-consultant, who will assist both the patient and the nurse to know how you should behave to them.