Οι Δημόσιες Δαπάνες Υγείας στην Ελλάδα τον 19ο αιώνα.
Public Health Expenditure in Greece in the 19th century.
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Προϋπολογισμός -- Υγεία και υγιεινή ; Οικονομικά της υγείας ; Δαπάνες, Δημόσιες -- Ελλάδα ; Πολιτική υγείαςAbstract
The System of Health Accounts (SHA) of the OECD is probably the only tool we have for defining, categorizing, recording and comparing the health expenditure over the years. Contrary to what is generally believed, the research undertaken revealed the existence of adequate data, which proved sufficient enough to construct the public health expenditure series. Our data is drawn directly from Annual National Balance accounts and Annual National Budgets for the years of question. We should have in mind that for the studied era, Greece became an independent state in 1830, after a long occupational period, by King Otto, went through political instability, involved in Greek-Turkish war in 1897,in the First World War, the Balkan wars, immersed in Smyrna’ s disaster and ends with the Second World War. Greece during all this period is constantly in debt and it’ s only concern is the repayment of loans. Public health and health policy is not a priority for the state. By encoding the health expenditure, we managed to draw some useful conclusions of how the expenditures were distributed, how they were temporally fluctuating and what the correlation with GDP is.