Οι εκροές ανθρώπινου δυναμικού, η απορρόφηση τους και η ενσωμάτωση τους από το εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα προς το σύστημα υγείας της Ελλάδας

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Εθνικό Σύστημα Υγείας (Ελλάδα) ; Ιατροί ; Ιατρικό προσωπικό ; Νοσηλευτές -- Υγεία και υγιεινή ; Οδοντίατροι ; ΦαρμακοποιοίAbstract
The present thesis aims, through literature search, at collecting the data that will give the reader a rough but integrated view for the flow of human capital from the Educational System to the health system of Greece, as well as their absorption from it. It, also, intends to give a researcher the base for their practice with the human capital of health in Greece and the literature references for the continuation and further specialization of their study. The first chapter consists of two parts. The first part includes a brief reference to the Educational System, its structure and the total of its services, the way it operates and its infrastructure. The second part presents the health services provided by the state or private health sector in Greece on the level of primary, secondary and tertiary care. The organizations providing these services and the ways citizens can receive them are also mentioned. In the second chapter the thesis deals in the education of the health care professionals. Detailed data for the faculty of Health Sciences and the faculty of Health & Social Welfare are also provided. The data related to the number of students and graduates from the faculties of Medicine, Pharmaceutics, Dentistry, Nursing and the Departments of Obstetrics, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Management of Health Units and Social Welfare are presented. The flows of students from them are analyzed and there is an attempt to foresee forthcoming flows. The studies available from the private sector through IEK & KES and the public IEK are presented as well. The third chapter is an introduction to the working reality of health care professionals in our country. Initially, there are some general data about the financial situation of the health care system in Greece in comparison to the average of the OECD countries. In addition, the great importance of the human resources in the operation of the Health Care Systems and the related problems and malfunctions are also analyzed. People who work at the sector of health care services, are those who create an effective or ineffective system and they are its most expensive and significant part. The study continues with the numerical data related to the number of doctors, dentists, nursing staff, pharmacists and physiotherapists and, generally, all the people working in the healthcare services and the social security and it compares them to the data of the OECD countries. Moreover, there is a detailed description of the real working conditions and projections for the development of these professions. In the fourth chapter there is an attempt to present the remunerations of the health care professionals in the European environment. We present detailed data about the income of doctors (general and specialist pathologists, employees and freelance) and nursing staff from 2006 to 2011. These data are compared to the average income of each country and among them. In the end, there is a special reference to the remunerations in the Greek health care sector nowadays. Finally, the conclusions of the literature search are presented, including also some proposals of the author.