Το πρόβλημα του Ν.Α.Τ.. Οι οικονομικές αιτίες της δυσμενούς θέσης του και οι πολιτικές βελτίωσης της υπάρχουσας κατάστασης
Master Thesis
Παπακαλός, Βασίλειος
2011-09-30View/ Open
This paper investigates and analyzes the insurance problem faced by the sole institution of social security of the Greek seamen, the Navy Pension Fund (Ν.Α.Σ.). After the presentation of the current situation of the Greek insurance funds and the main economic reasons that affect them, we will present and analyze the current problematic situation of the Navy Pension Fund. As stemming from the study, it was caused by the wrong choices of the state, almost from the establishment of the fund, in the social policy of the seafarers, in resource management and in the shipping policy. Finally, we will present the policies (solutions) that could unclog the fund, taking into account the new insurance draft which was recently passed (On July 2010).