Ανάλυση εσόδων και εξόδων σε περιόδους κρίσεων στον ναυτιλιακό κλάδο
Master Thesis
Αλιβιζάτος, Αλέξανδρος - Σταύρος
Ναούμ, Βασίλειος - ΧρήστοςView/ Open
Έσοδα ; Έξοδα ; Κρίσεις ; COVID-19 ; Πόλεμος Ουκρανίας - ΡωσίαςAbstract
This thesis focuses on the analysis of ship revenues and expenses in the maritime market during periods of crises. The extensive research conducted is divided into two parts: the theoretical and the quantitative. The first chapter presents a brief introduction to the topics that will be examined in this study. The second chapter provides a theoretical approach to the subject, exploring the analysis of a ship’s revenues and expenses, their interrelationship, and the impact of crises on them, with particular emphasis on the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war crisis. In the third chapter, a quantitative analysis and study of ship revenues and expenses are conducted across three maritime markets during the 2019–2023 period, encompassing the COVID-19 and Ukraine-Russia war crises. Finally, the fourth chapter presents the conclusions of this research.
The aim of this thesis is to gather information and data on ship revenues and expenses during these specific crises and to provide a descriptive comparison of them, with the goal of understanding their fluctuations.