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dc.contributor.advisorPlatias, Athanasios
dc.contributor.advisorΠλατιάς, Αθανάσιος
dc.contributor.authorPapathanasiou, Timotheos
dc.contributor.authorΠαπαθανασίου, Τιμόθεος
dc.publisherΠανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώςel
dc.titleGeopolitics, climate change, and energy in the Wider Middle Eastel
dc.typeMaster Thesisel
dc.contributor.departmentΣχολή Οικονομικών, Επιχειρηματικών και Διεθνών Σπουδών. Τμήμα Διεθνών και Ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδώνel
dc.description.abstractENThe study's scope includes an in-depth analysis of political and geopolitical dynamics, focusing on the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change and global energy transitions and to the future importance of the Wider Middle East. Limited by the ongoing efforts for independence from oil and natural gas, as well as the anticipated establishment of a new maritime route via the Bering Strait and the Northeast Passage, this study seeks to navigate the complex geopolitical and energy landscape of the Wider Middle East. This dissertation employs a qualitative analysis of geopolitical, political, and energy data, based on bibliographic sources, journals, and online newspapers. It explores the evolving political and geopolitical landscape of the region, emphasizing the critical role of chokepoints, ports, and deserts. Significantly, this importance is underscored by extensive oil and natural gas reserves in the Persian Gulf and North Africa, coupled with intricate oil and gas pipelines and the burgeoning LNG sector. However, the region faces challenges as the exploitation of hydrocarbons contributes to climate change, leading to phenomena such as drainage and floods. In conclusion, taking the analyzed facts into consideration, the Wider Middle East is poised to maintain its significance on the world chessboard during the next decades. The critical sea passages in the region will remain of major interest, and the energy potential of the area is expected to be bolstered through the development of green energy, as well as in the context of modern state priorities, security issues will continue to be a vital factor. As a consequence, the significance of the region will be maintained on the global geopolitical chessboard.el
dc.contributor.masterEnergy: Strategy, Law & Economicsel
dc.subject.keywordWider Middle Eastel
dc.subject.keywordNatural gasel
dc.subject.keywordClimate changeel
dc.subject.keywordInternational communityel

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