Η πειρατεία ως καλυπτόμενος κίνδυνος
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Πειρατεία ; Θαλάσσια ασφάλιση ; Θαλάσσιοι κίνδυνοι ; Ασφαλιστική κάλυψη ; Καλυπτόμενοι κίνδυνοι ; Εξαιρούμενοι κίνδυνοι ; Ναυλοσύμφωνα ; Ρήτρες πολέμουAbstract
This paper focuses on the extremely important and timeless issue of maritime piracy, which is considered as a critical phenomenon in the international maritime community with many and vital consequences that can be caused by such an action.
Subsequently, it will be examined whether piracy (being a maritime risk), with all that this implies , is covered or excluded by the maritime insurance concluded between the contracting parties or, in the event that it is not covered by insurance, what the ship-owner must do by his side in order to protect both the ship and crew as well as the carried cargo from possible piracy.
There will be a detailed description of the concept of maritime insurance and what is included in it, as well as describing and examining maritime risks, one of which is piracy, some of which are covered by insurance in contrast to some others that are excluded.
Finally, extensive reference will be made to the charter agreements, depending on the type of charter chosen, and the special clauses signed and related to piracy.